Learning by Song
Music available on Spotify, Apple Music, ITunes, Amazon, Pandora, YouTube, and Deezer.
Learning American History by Song
It's a fact that with the pressure for students to learn the basics (reading, writing, and math), social studies is taking a back-seat, and our young Americans are becoming less and less knowledgeable about their heritage. There’s no time for social studies in the teaching day, there’s too much information, too many facts, and the standard way of teaching it doesn’t hold the students’ attention. Learning American History by Song addresses all those issues. This musical teaching tool covers the important highlights in American history, but does it in a concise, easy, fun, and memorable way – basically, history in a nutshell! The downloadable workbook reinforces the song curriculum with activity pages, enlarged song sheets, scored music, and drawings for coloring. This musical approach meets the needs of all types of learners: regular students, ADHD, RSP, ESL, GATE, autistic, blind, and speech-impaired. Children love learning history this musical way.
“I never thought I could use music as a teaching tool, but Barbara Speicher’s songs were easy and fun to learn. My students began singing along with these historical songs the moment I started playing them. When I combined the songs with the workbook pages, my students learned so many important facts. Meeting the social studies standards was never easier, and singing the songs for the parents at the end of the year was a definite hit!” — Cheryl Smith, 3rd grade teacher, Tustin, CA
“As a principal when visiting Mrs. Speicher’s classroom, I was amazed at how much curriculum the students were learning through the songs introduced to them on this American history CD. It was obvious that they were excited about learning. This CD has educational value that is a must for every teacher and student.”
— Barbara Kaprielian, Elementary Principal, Tustin, CA
“I was in your third grade class in 2004. I just wanted to let you know that I taught my cousin’s daughter, who is 6, your catchy Names of the States song and she was able to memorize all the states!” — Nika Said, Former student, Tustin, CA
Learning About Patriotic Holidays and Symbols by Song
It’s of upmost importance that children today learn about America’s important historical documents and symbols. Everyone of any age should be informed about the U.S. Constitution, The Declaration, Bill or Rights, and significant symbols of our freedom: The Bald Eagle, American flag, the Liberty Bell, and Statue of Liberty. Important historical figures and individuals who sacrificed their lives and fought for our liberties and privileges should be recognized and honored, such as veterans, Dr. Martin Luther King, and the U.S. Presidents. It’s a fact that forgetfulness of our heritage will only weaken our personal resolve for freedom. It’s absolutely essential that we hold our democratic principles high, and we can do that lifting our voices in song, to ensure that everyone becomes a knowledgeable, appreciative citizen.
“Barbara Speicher’s songs on this patriotic holidays and symbols CD are incredibly beautiful, while being content based…every teacher’s dream! They have simple easy-to-learn, and easy-to-teach melodies. It’s a multi-sensory approach to teaching and learning that engages all the students. The addition of the workbook makes for a wonderful comprehensive learning tool.” — Donna Bennet, Professor, College of Education, Cal State University, Fullerton, CA
“As a 3rd/4th grade teacher, when I first used the songs on this CD, I was amazed at the positive response from my students. The students didn’t even realize how much information they were learning! We demonstrated that to the parents by putting on a wonderful program of the songs at the end of the year with the accompaniment tracks. The parents were thrilled with all the learning going on! I can’t say enough about these informative and fun songs!” — Sue Maunu, El Cajon, CA (retired school teacher, but continues share these songs with grade students and parents each year)
Music and math? Who would think these seemingly incongruous terms could even be uttered in the same breath? Using music to teach math is not a common approach, using songs to teach math skills can be very effective. Here are some benefits:
1) Both left-brain thinking (reasoning, logic, details) and right-brain thinking (the arts, imagination, big picture) are working together.
2) Many modalities of learning are engaged: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (when movements are added)
3) Material is learned quickly and curriculum retained with repeated singing.
4) Singing math makes learning novel and fun.
Learning Math by Song
“I have been using Barbara Speicher’s math CD for several years. My students love the songs, especially the hand signals for the geometry song, “Point, Line Segment, Ray.” I can’t teach math without it! The workbook is a fabulous bonus! My students have so much fun they don’t always realize they are learning at the same time. In a recent district benchmark test, the district’s average was 68.9 percent. My class’s average was 94 percent! Thanks, Barbara, for creating this CD!” — Cynthia Becker, 3rd grade teacher, Arlington, Texas
Note sent to Barbara, her elementary principal, now assistant superintendent of the Tustin Unified School District:
“Hi Barbara, thought you would appreciate knowing my daughter is your #1 fan. She knows every word of your math CD and begs me to play it in the car!”
— Maggie Villegas, Tustin, CA
Learning Writing Skills and Grammar by Song
What an innovative and helpful tool to learn grammar and writing skills utilizing songs! It’s a lot more fun to sing the rules to get familiar with them than memorizing a list. The curriculum becomes embedded in brains in a novel and memorable way, so there is easier recall. Also, according to evidenced-based assessment on reading, “usually having students read a text four times is sufficient to improve fluency.” When singing, students are reading aloud melodically, repeating the song words over, often much more than four times, so they are improving reading fluency with little effort (and singing in a group takes the individual pressure off). Utilizing curriculum-based songs is a most rewarding way to learn and teach!
“Barbara Speicher’s writing and grammar skills CD is invaluable! I’ve used the songs to augment my language arts curriculum (the Parts of Speech Rap is one of my favorites!). With snappy beats and hand motions on some, learning the rules of grammar and writing has never been so fun! Best of all, the students remember the information. I also appreciate the fact that teachers don’t have to be musical to use the program. Someday, I look forward to sharing some of these songs with my grandchildren.” — Nancy Jones, teacher, Forestville, CA

The Habitat Song
From Mrs. Speicher’s students:
“I liked singing the songs and saying the raps the most this year in school. I have learned things better, and remember what I’ve learned, with all the songs and raps you have written.” —Nico Picciuto
“I don’t know why, but every night before I go to sleep, I sing one of your songs. I love your songs.” —Lauren Bush
“This was my first year in Middle School. I miss your songs about American history that you made up for us to learn and remember certain things. I think it would have helped me this year!” —Emi Kawafuchi
“I’m sure Megas will remember all the songs she learned. I still sing some of them myself!” —Mrs. Sapak
“Suzanne sang your songs to me each time we went for swimming lessons. I am very impressed with your songs and with Susie’s memory of them.” —Mrs. Weller
“The songs you taught the kids were fantastic…music made learning easy and fun.” —Mrs. Sayre